Dr. Lindsey Galbo-Thomma was presented with the David K. Sundberg Award from Wake Forest University School of Medicine Translational Neuroscience Department which honors an outstanding graduating student/alum from the department. She traveled back to Wake Forest to receive the award and give a departmental seminar.
Gopu officially started his appointment on the T32 program in June of this year. Read his bio to learn more about his journey up to this point and what he hopes to accomplish while on the T32!
T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Lindsey Galbo-Thomma, was awarded an ASPET travel award and was able to travel to Arlington, VA to present her current research.
BRAD 2024 Fellow of the Year, Lindsey Galbo-Thomma, celebrated BRAD day on campus with students and members of Animal Research Compliance.
Former NIDA T32 trainee, currently supported by an F32 fellowship, Michael Wedemeyer has been named postdoctoral researcher of the year by the Offie of Postdoctoral Affairs!
Postdoctoral fellows receive interdisciplinary training across various laboratories and areas of expertise. Fellows are matched with a primary faculty mentor and also work with additional mentors. Taking advantage of the diverse expertise of participating faculty mentors, this program provides concentrated interdisciplinary research training for individuals who are highly motivated to seek a broader training than is typically available in traditional postdoctoral experiences. The expertise of participating mentors includes:
The Addiction Journal Club covers a very broad range of topics in Substance Use Disorder research and policy, reflecting the diversity of the faculty mentors and trainees in the Program.
Learn More!The diversity of the mentors matches the diverse research interests of the trainees, which enriches the training experience for the entire Program.
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