Welcome to Facilities Management
Facilities Management (FM) is responsible for the physical assets of the Health Science Center to ensure a quality environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors in support of the University’s mission of teaching, research and outreach. It is responsible for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of general fund supported academic and administrative buildings, campus grounds, and all utility, energy, and building management systems.
The FM Team ensures that all operating systems are in good repair, make the campus a comfortable, safe and attractive place to learn, live, and work, and respond quickly to the emergency maintenance and repair needs of the University.
News & Announcements
Submit Requests for Services
Get the FM team to work for you. Do you need your office refreshed? Do you require setup for a special event? Are there facilities or systems that are not working that you want us to know about? Visit our 'Request Services' page to learn more.