The Electrical Shop supplies electrical service within buildings throughout the Health Science Center. The shop makes repairs to equipment, install new electrical outlets, panels, and cabling. Some of the services this shop offers are:
- maintenance and repair of university electricity distribution systems, to include substations,
transformers, high-voltage units and emergency power and lighting systems
- install new electrical work for room remodeling and building renovation projects
- restore power to tripped circuit breakers, lighting repair, and minor modifications to electrical systems
- maintenance and repair of internal and external lighting systems, security systems and fire alarms
- services for department-requested special events and setups such as graduation ceremonies
- respond to electrical power outages and assist electrical utilities company whenever necessary
Ronnie Carreon , Shop leader | 567-2924 | carreonr3@uthscsa.edu
Request Service:
Visit our 'Request Work Online' page to initiate a service request.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m.