Facilities Management is responsible for the operation, maintenance and renovation of the physical facilities of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Funds are provided by the State Legislature and the institution to operate all buildings and support systems as required for the HSC mission and to maintain all facilities in safe and efficient working order.
Any and all changes to UTHSCSA physical facilities must be performed and/or coordinated through Facilities Management. All connections, other than convenience type plug-in utensils, made to the various utility systems (water, steam, chilled water, sewer, electrical, etc.) must be made by Facilities Management personnel or appropriately licensed technician under the direct supervision of the Facilities Management Department.
A primary requirement is that Facilities Management personnel have knowledge of the exact condition of the physical facilities at all times and that the proposed installation meets appropriate current codes or standards. To maintain that knowledge, Facilities Management personnel are available to assist with the planning of any new or renovation project to the building structures or grounds area of HSC property.
Services are divided into two basic types:
FM Funded Services are those for which Facilities Management receives budget allocations. Basically, these are services directly related to the operation, maintenance, and upkeep of Health Science Center facilities. They are rendered free of charge. Examples of FM Funded Services include:
- Maintenance and repair services to buildings and building systems, elevators, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, electrical distribution systems, roofs, etc. These services are generally performed on structures, additions, and equipment which, if vacated by present occupants, would require no alterations, special furnishing or remodeling for occupancy by some other HSC department.
- Maintenance of walks, streets, and grounds
- Pest control
- Custodial services except in areas particular to departments or activities classified as auxiliary enterprises. Auxiliary enterprises are generally known as activities not funded by legislative appropriation.
Department Funded Services are those services for which Facilities Management does not receive a budget allocation and which must be funded by the requesting department. Examples of this type of service include:
- Minor alterations or renovations to buildings or structures assigned to departments and University activities.
- Addition of special equipment such as laboratory equipment, mini blinds, special lighting, bulletin boards, etc..
- Painting
- State-owned vehicle repair services for vehicles assigned to the department
- Movement of furnishings and equipment
- Set up of furniture and equipment for special events and occasions
Facilities Management charges for labor and materials for Department Funded Services. This includes labor shop rates, utilized materials, contractors, design services and other direct costs associated with accomplishing the work in accordance with all applicable codes and University policies.
Departmental services billing is accomplished on a monthly basis through Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT). Questions regarding billing may be directed to Carolyn Bautista-Mueller, Manager, Financial Planning, at 567-0945. A Work Order number and corresponding PeopleSoft Project ID included with the inquiry is appreciated.
Obtaining Services
FM-Funded Services may be requested by calling the Facilities Management Work Control Center at 567-2885 for emergencies or by submitting a Report-A-Problem (RAP). Reports of deficiencies or requests for services will be recorded and dispatched to the proper person in Facilities Management for the proper response.
Department-Funded Work Requests can be made by submitting a Service Request Form (SRF). Click here to go to our 'Request Work Online' page.
Telephone requests for estimates will not be honored. When an estimate is requested, the project should be under serious consideration since estimates take time and cost money. In some instances, you may be charged for the cost of the estimate even if you decide not to proceed with the project.
Reporting Routine Failures
Routine failures of small items are normal, expected occurrences and should be reported as such. Defective light bulbs or fluorescent tubes, leaky faucets, spilled drinks, and the like should be regarded as simple, routine failures and should be reported to the Work Control Center at 567-2885 or 567-2946 during after hours or by submitting a Report-A-Problem (RAP). Click here to go to our 'Request Work Online' page.
Assistance from the HSC community in discovering routine maintenance items is appreciated.
Good judgment is an important factor when determining whether or not a situation should be considered an emergency. Any disaster, unusual occurrence, utility malfunction, or equipment failure that presents imminent danger to life, limb, or property is an emergency and should be reported immediately by telephone to the Work Control Center at 567-2885 or 567-2946 during after hours or the UTHSCSA Police Department at 567-2800.
It is not always possible or feasible to interrupt work in progress to respond to ordinary or routine departmental problems on an immediate basis. However, Facilities Management will work with departments on emergencies that develop.
Priority Work
Generally, institutional services for maintaining the campus must take priority over departmental services.
Work requests for departmental services are usually scheduled in the order in which they are received. At times, priorities are set by the Deans and Vice Presidents to determine which work must be done first. Work with critical completion times must be prioritized by the Dean or Vice President within their project list. Facilities Management will move these projects ahead of those not identified as a priority.
More Information
If you need further information concerning UTHSCSA Facilities Management policies, please refer to the UTHSCSA Handbook of Operating Procedures, Chapter 9, Facilities.