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About Event

This conference focuses on translational aspects of substance use research among chemists, biologists, and behavioral scientists. The diversity of participants and attendees at this meeting (undergraduate students to senior faculty, chemists to psychiatrists) provides a unique venue for networking among different disciplines and in so doing promotes new and innovative approaches to medications development in addictions biology. The meeting provides a stimulating environment for young scientists who are strongly encouraged to present their work and interact with senior scientists. The BBC meeting has served as a “launch pad” for many young, innovative investigators to join the ever-growing world of SUD research.


Registration Fees

$175 | Presenting Students and Postdocs (waived for travel awardees)
$400 | All others (including non-presenting postdocs)
$25 | Abstract Fee

Event Speakers


Rita Valentino, PhD

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The neuroscience of addiction


Nurulain (Nur) Zaveri, PhD

Astraea Therapeutics, LLC

Targeting the alpha3beta4 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for nicotine and other substance use disorders: Rationale, preclinical validation and progress towards clinical translation.

Plenary Symposium


Daniel Rosenbaum, PhD

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Orexin receptor structural biology and its use in drug discovery


Stephanie Borgland, PhD

University of Calgary

Co-release of orexin and dynorphin in the modulation of VTA dopamine neurons and opioid seeking


Yanan Zhang, PhD

Research Triangle Institute

Sleep and Addiction: Development of orexin receptor modulators


Andrew Huhn, PhD, MBA

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Orexin antagonist effects on sleep and stress during opioid withdrawal
