Planning and Design
Planning and Design provides design and construction administration services to the campus community. These services include space planning, project estimates and studies, and complete architectural, engineering and interior design services. Renovation projects under $2,000,000 and new construction projects under $1,000,000 are managed by Facilities Management. Planning and Design provides the design and construction standards for the University. Planning also maintains drawings of all University buildings and campuses. They provide the professional staff required by state law to investigate, estimate and design University remodeling, interior design, and construction projects on state property. Generally, projects receive attention in the order that they are received. Urgent projects can be moved to the head of the queue by assignment of priority numbers from Deans or Vice Presidents. Each Dean or Vice President assigns priorities for the projects within their funding authorizations.
Architectural and Engineering Services - Procedural Guidelines
Renovation or modification of property owned by the University must be performed by or in cooperation with Facilities Management. All work done on buildings, grounds, and other fixed facilities of the University must be performed by the Facilities Management unless other arrangements have been approved by Facilities Management. Bidding or contracting work to be done by an outside contractor also requires Facilities Management approval. Facilities Management Planning and Design provides design estimating and construction oversight for renovation projects.
All projects are tracked by Work Request number. To request work, complete a Department-Funded Work Request using our online WorkFlowGen system. Once this has been sent to Facilities Management, we will assign a Work Request number. This number should be referenced in all correspondence. Work Requests are reviewed on a daily basis and routed to the proper Facilities Management section.
Facilities Management provides estimates, when requested, for UTHSCSA. Several types of estimates are provided to customers. Range estimates are appropriate for determining the feasibility of proposed projects. Preliminary estimates use definitions of scope to provide estimates accurate enough for grant or funding requests. Final estimates are based upon construction drawings and are the most accurate. Departments are normally allowed two weeks to respond to estimates.
A cost range estimate provides a requesting department information in general terms and is usually stated as a cost range, for example $5,000 to $6,000, $10,000 to $12,000, and so forth, until more information on the size and scope of the project is known.
Cost Range Estimates are typically comparative and based on the estimator's experience. They do not include detailed design information in arriving at the cost figures. Departments typically use this type of estimate for budget planning. Requesting departments may need a more detailed estimate before proceeding with the project.
Typically, detailed estimates are requested when funding has been approved or identified for a project. A preliminary design is required to properly develop a detailed cost estimate. Considerable time is required to fully investigate existing building conditions. Routinely, each project that involves remodeling is evaluated for heating and air conditioning capacity, electrical service, plumbing, potential hazardous materials, and interior finishes such as paint and carpet. It is also necessary to evaluate whether the project can be done by Facilities Management Construction and Maintenance or whether contractor services are required.
Facilities Management has developed, in cooperation with other Facilities Management and University departments, a comprehensive set of Design and Construction Standards to assure properly constructed and maintained building environments. All construction at the University of must comply with Texas Accessibility Standards, International Building Codes, National Fire Codes and other codes that are applicable.
Each project received via Work Request to Facilities Management is unique. We strive to direct each utilizing the most efficient use of time and personnel to minimize the time and cost required to complete the project. Please see Major Renovation Guidelines for more information.