Construction and Maintenance
The Construction and Maintenance (C&M) Division has the responsibility for maintaining and repairing the physical facilities and mechanical systems of the University in a cost effective manner. In addition, the group provides construction services for departmental funded renovations, and specially funded building and campus upgrades. The Construction & Maintenance group has a diversified staff representing various trades, as well as management staff for planning jobs and managing outside contractors.
The C&M group reports to the Associate Director for Construction and Maintenance. The Superintendent of Construction and Maintenance oversees the daily operations of the group. Two Assistant Superintendents, two Work Coordinators, two administrative assistants in the office, and leaders for each shop or remote locations perform various project management and coordination duties.
The C&M group has approximately 65 employees that work in the various trades. Most shops perform reactive maintenance, preventive maintenance, and renovation work. It has the following shops or trades on staff:
Other specialties are hired by contract as they are needed.