Microsoft Campus Agreement
- About the Agreement
- Who is Eligible
- Who is Not Eligible
- Campus Agreement Student License Confirmation
- UTHSCSA Guidelines for Purchases and Step-by-Step Purchasing Procedures
- Product Descriptions & Pricing
- Frequently Asked Questions
The University of Texas System has a Campus Agreement with Microsoft Corporation, giving University students, faculty, and staff access to many of Microsoft's popular computer software titles for a minimal fee, and include operating systems, desktop productivity tools, and infrastructure server and messaging products. Please note:
- Certain restrictions do apply. Read the frequently asked questions below.
- Students must complete an End User License Agreement on or before the first CEA software purchase from the Bookstore.
- Faculty and Staff do not need to complete an End User License agreement.
- To purchase software, you must present a valid UTHSCSA identification card. No exceptions.
- No "purchasing or pick-up favors" for other co-workers, family members, friends, etc. will be permitted.
- Students - You must be currently enrolled in at least one class which, when successfully completed, will result in the awarding of credit hours verifiable through the Office of Student Services.
- Faculty and Staff - The Microsoft Campus Agreement requires Faculty and Staff to purchase for their personally-owned computers, only software that is currently used on univeristy-owned computers. This means that if the UTHSCSA does not provide you with a computer, you are ineligible to purchase any of the products covered by the Microsoft Campus Agreement for personal use.
- Departments - UTHSCSA departments have two options: (1) purchase the media from the UTHSCSA Bookstore using a Bookstore Departmental Requisition, or (2) download the software from a server in Computing Resources (contact IMS Service Desk for more information).
Who is Not Eligible
- Anyone who cannot qualify as a current student or employee of the UTHSCSA (see the FAQs for more information)
- Anyone enrolled exclusively in non-credit courses (i.e., Continuing Education)
- UTHSCSA employees who do not use a computer at work
- Alumni
- Retired UTHSCSA Faculty and Staff
- Conference attendees
- Visitors
- Individuals/companies and their employees, who have been hired on a contractual basis for services on or off campus
Students must read, understand, and sign the Campus Agreement Student License Confirmation prior to purchase.
The UTHSCSA Bookstore handles distribution and verification for departmental and personal purchases. Departmental purchases must be completed on a Bookstore Departmental Requisition. Purchases of Campus Agreement software for personal purposes are completed using the following steps: Purchasing Process step-by-step (Personal software purchases only):
- Students: Before visiting the Bookstore to purchase software for the first time, complete a Campus Agreement Student License Confirmation. The Campus Agreement is kept on file and is valid for the duration of the four year term of the UT System Campus Agreement contract.
- A valid UTHSCSA identification card must be presented at time of purchase.
- Your UTHSCSA identification number is cross-referenced in the database to your customer purchase history to determine what titles you have previously purchased. You may purchase only one copy of each title per customer.
- You will be asked which software titles you wish to purchase. See Product Descriptions below.
- Your software media and invoice will be given to the cashier for payment. The cashier will collect your money and issue a receipt. Software is priced per compact disk.
- Check your purchase before you leave the Bookstore to ensure that you received the correct software media. Once you leave the Bookstore, no refunds will be permitted. Exchanges will only be made for the same software title, and only if requested within 90 days of the date of purchase. Keep your copy of the invoice for proof of purchase date.
Product Descriptions & Pricing - Check with Bookstore for current pricing.
- Microsoft Windows 8 32-bit/64-bit Upgrade
- Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit Ultimate Upgrade
- Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade
- Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
- Microsoft Office 2008 for Macintosh
- Microsoft Office 2011 for Macintosh
The price charged covers the bookstore's cost of purchasing the compact disks; there is no markup. Please understand that if the supplier raises its price, the Bookstore prices will increase to cover costs. Always check with Bookstore for current pricing.
Q: I am currently a resident at University Hospital, but I went to school at UTHSCSA. Am I eligible?
A: No. You must be a currently enrolled student or current employee of UTHSCSA to be eligible. The contract between Microsoft and the UT System does not extend benefits to former students (residents, interns, etc.) of the UTHSCSA. The contract also does not extend benefits to organizations with which the UTHSCSA is affiliated, such as University Hospital or VA Hospital.
Q: Can I have my order sent to me via Campus Mail?
A: No. All purchases must be made in person because of the required verification process.
Q: Do I pay tax?
A: All personal purchases will be charged tax. Only UTHSCSA departments are tax exempt.
Q: If I lose my CDs, can I get another one? What if it is defective?
A: Replacements will be given only for defective copies. Lost CDs cannot be replaced. Exchanges will be made within 90 days of date of purchase, but only for the same title. No refunds will be given, only even exchanges are allowable on defective products.
Q: If I lose one CD out of a set, do I have to buy the whole set again?
A: Yes. Because our ordering/tracking system sees the set as one complete unit, we cannot "break apart" sets.
Q: I understand that I can purchase only one copy of each title, but this is a four-year contract and Microsoft is bound to release a new version of these software titles. How does that affect me?
A: New versions of titles are considered as two separate titles. So, you may purchase one copy of the new title.
Q: Can I buy a copy of Office for Mac and a copy of Office for Windows?
A: Yes. These are considered as two separate titles.
Q: When will other titles be available? How will I find out?
A: Check the Bookstore website. As other titles become available, they will be listed here.
Q: Who do I call for help if I have a problem or question?
A: Due to the nature of the contract, the only support available is the extensive help system on the media itself. You may obtain online assistance via the Microsoft Support Online or purchase phone support from Microsoft. For more information visit:
Send questions to the Computing Resources Department's IMS Service Desk,