Office of the Bursar

Frequently Asked Questions


Questions and comments may be directed to:

Academic Calendar
Direct Deposit
Health Insurance
Tuition and Fees

1. What are the Bursar Office hours?

Business hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We recommend that you arrive by 4:30pm. We are closed for state holidays.


2. What is the cost of tuition and when is it due?

For a comprehensive explanation of all tuition and fees, please view: Student Tuition and Fees.

Tuition is due by close of business the day before the first day of class. To determine class dates, please refer to your Academic Calendar.


3. Why is health insurance assessed to my account?

Health insurance is required for every student. The fee for health insurance will be reversed once the student provides proof of insurance to the Student Health Clinic. This has to be done prior to the student’s first class day.


4. When will I receive my health insurance card?

Payment and information is sent to the insurance company after the student’s first class day. The student will receive an insurance card in the mail to the home address in the student system; therefore it is important for the student to maintain the correct home address. The insurance coverage is typically from the 1st of the month and the 1st class day is during the month. If a student needs medical attention before they receive their insurance card, they will need to send an e-mail to: so the office can send their payment to the insurance company earlier.


5. What is a hold and how does it affect my account?

The following types of holds prevent a student from enrolling in class or receiving refunds:

  • Outstanding debt for tuition, fees, or installments
  • Unpaid traffic fines
  • Student clinic immunization

The student must satisfy the obligations in order for the hold to be removed.


6. What methods of payment do you accept for tuition?

  • Financial aid is the primary source for payment of tuition and fees. Financial aid is applied to the student account 10 days prior to the student’s first class day. Any financial aid excess will be refunded to the student in the form of a paper check (mailed to the student’s home address) or via direct deposit (See question below on how to sign up for Direct Deposit.).
  • Mail or bring check, money order, cashier check for the total amount due to the Office of the Bursar.
  • Bring cash for the total amount due to the Office of the Bursar.
  • Use student self service to make payment by either credit card (convenience fee of 2.9%; Visa credit card not accepted) or e-check (no convenience fee).
  • Sign up for a tuition installment plan at the Office of the Bursar.


7. How do I make a payment using the online services?

To make a payment with a credit card or by check, a student must log into self service:

  • Go to Student Services.
  • Log on to My Student Center
  • Click on the Make a Payment link. The system will check for direct deposit information.
    • Select either Pay by Credit Card* or Pay by Electronic Check.
    • After selection, you will be taken to the CashNet site to provide the necessary information to make a payment or to set up a parent up as a user.
    • Once Submit Payment has been selected, the payment is reflected on the student account.
    • You will receive a confirmation email for the payment.
    • For assistance with online payments, please call CashNet at 1-800-339-8131.

* Note: CashNet does not accept Visa.

** Note: If you are unable to pay tuition online from your home or laptop computer, you may need to use one of the Library computers to avoid late fees.


8. When will I get my refund check?

Refund checks are produced on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Checks will be mailed out the next business day. Please allow 5-7 working days for delivery. For a faster refund, please sign up for direct deposit.


9. How do I sign up for direct deposit?

To sign up for this service, you need a bank account in the United States and a permanent social security number.

  • Go to Student Services.
  • Log on to My Student Center
  • Click on the Direct Deposit link. The system will check for direct deposit information.
    • If direct deposit information is not in the system, a page will display for the student to add bank account information.
    • If direct deposit information is in the system, a page will display for the student to either change or delete existing bank account information.
    • If direct deposit information is in the Payroll System, a page will display informing the student to make bank account changes through the Payroll Office.
    • Once enrolled in direct deposit, there is a 10 calendar day waiting period before it becomes effective. This allows the school time to send a validation file (called a pre-note) to the various banks. After the pre-note is confirmed, all future payments will be made via direct deposit.


10. Do I need my UTHSCSA ID badge to pick up an emergency loan?

Yes, when picking up cash or check you must have your UTHSCSA school id badge. Driver’s licenses or passports will not be accepted.


11. Where can I find 1098T information?

To obtain your 1098-T form, go to Heartland - ECSI/Lookup:

  1. Type in “San Antonio”, click on “The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio”, then click on “Submit”.
  2. Enter your first name, last name, social security number, and zip code; then check “I'm not a Robot” and click on “Continue”.
  3. If you need further assistance, please contact:


12. Why haven't I received my 1098-T form?

In certain situations, a 1098-T may not have been generated for you:

  • If payments were made either in the prior or subsequent calendar years for classes taken in the current year, those payments are not reflected in the current tax year so would not be included on the current year 1098-T. When reviewing your records, you must take into consideration actual payment dates, not the enrollment term.
  • We are not required to submit a 1098-T if the sum of the student’s grants, scholarships and 3rd-party sponsorships exceed the sum of their qualified expenses.
  • We are not required to submit a 1098-T for courses for which no academic credit is offered, such as certificate programs.
  • We are not required to submit a 1098-T for non-resident alien students but will do so upon request.

If these situations do not apply to you, a 1098-T should have been generated. Students who have opted in to receive the 1098-T form electronically will be emailed when it is available. All others will receive the 1098-T via regular mail to the current address on file.


13. How can I update my Social Security Number?

To update or add your Social Security number with the university, fill out the Change of Information form and return the signed form along with a copy of the Social Security Card to the Office of the Registrar


14. Will I be impacted by the new tuition increases?

The tuition and fee increases starting in Academic Year 2024-2025 may be assessed to all students or only applicable to students newly admitted into a program as approved by The UT System Board of Reagents. Clarification of the definition of a newly admitted student has been provided by the Office of the Chief Operating Officer.