Loan Checks
How do I get my Emergency Funds?
Emergency cash and checks are disbursed only at the student windows of the Cashier's Windows, at 301L MED. Sudents MUST provide a valid UT Health San Antonio Student ID to receive Emergency Funds. There is no exception to this rule.
How can I find out if my check is here?
The Financial Aid Office can tell you when your check was received on campus. Add five business days, to that date, to know when your check will be disbursed. Checks are available after 3:00 p.m.
How do I get my Financial Aid funds?
If there is no outstanding tuition balance, the Financial Aid checks are mailed to the home address in the Student System; therefore it is important for students to maintain the correct home address.
If there is an outstanding tuition balance, the Financial Aid is applied and any remaining Financial Aid is mailed to the home address in the Student System; therefore it is important for students to maintain the correct home address.
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974, we will not answer telephone inquiries regarding student checks. For details of this policy, please refer to the Health Science Center Student Catalog.