Accounting Manager
(Cash Operations)
Gloria Elizondo
The following guidelines have been established with regard to the specific needs of the Health Science Center and in compliance with the university's Credit Card Merchant Policy.
The term "merchant" refers to individual departments approved to accept credit card payments in conducting official business for The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
The university will not be held liable for departments or individuals who are not approved merchants, who accept credit card payment without adhering to the university Merchant Policy and Agreement.
To become an approved credit card merchant, please complete the Credit Card Merchant Request and forward it to the Office of the Bursar.
Registration Forms
The cardholder's signature, authorizing each specific purchase, must be
on file at the time of the transaction.
Departmental registration forms should include:
The form should indicate that all fields are required fields and
missing data would result in inability to complete the transaction.
Registration forms may be faxed or mailed as long as they are received
in advance of processing the transaction. Records retention remain the
same as listed in the university Credit Card Merchant Policy.
All hardware/software used under the above Merchant Agreement is to be considered state property and managed by the Office of the Bursar. Therefore, the Office of the Bursar will initiate all changes in hardware/software, custodianship or merchant location for all approved university merchants.
Additionally, the Office of the Bursar will act as repository for all deposits to the university. Credit card transactions must be completed immediately upon receipt of the registration form or authorization from the cardholder. Cardholders not wishing to pay in advance of an event should not submit their registration form or authorization until closer to the date of the event.
Under the Terms of Agreement held with MasterCard/Visa and GlobalPay,
the university will comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard or PCI/DSS.
UT System has created a FAQ for all UT Credit Card Merchants and may be downloaded here . Please note, the term "per year", in the FAQ, refers to a calendar year not a fiscal year.
UT System recommends that those merchants falling into the level 4 category annually complete and maintain the Self Assessment Questionnaire.