Monthly Financial Reporting
The Monthly Financial Report (MFR) compares the results of operations between the current year-to-date cumulative amounts and the prior year-to-date cumulative amounts.
UT System Reports
Consolidated reports summarizing the financial condition of the UT Health SA's current operating funds are submitted to The University of Texas System on a monthly basis. Reports summarizing the consolidated financial condition of practice plan activities are submitted to UT System on a quarterly basis. Instructions, definitions and deadlines for the submission of the Monthly Financial Reports are defined by The University of Texas System Controller's Office.
Management Reports
Financial Reporting is performed throughout the year to monitor and analyze actual financial performance and explain deviations from the budgeted financial plan and previous year, whether favorable or unfavorable.
The Hyperion Planning application allows users the ability to monitor departmental finances in order to help meet the overall goals of the UT Health San Antonio.
Hyperion is intended to provide summarized information of operational activities and budgets for high level analysis that can be used to support decision making efforts.
Hyperion reports present financial information consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), as required by the Texas State Comptroller’s Office, and
as consolidated for all components within the University of Texas System.
Financial Projection Process
The Financial Projection Process is the institution's opportunity to periodically reassess expected outcomes based on changes in financial circumstances that occur throughout the year. The Projection process substantiates explained deviations from the financial plan identified through financial monitoring, and can be used to take proactive action that allows the institution to meet its financial goals.
Projection review should be performed in conjunction with financial reporting. Completing the Actual to Actual and Budget to Actual variance reports will provide the ability to determine whether variances are temporary or permanent and whether adjustments to expected projection at fiscal year-end are needed. Users can enter their projection changes in Hyperion Planning.